Search results for year end
47 articles found
Year-end Stock Count
What is a Stock Count? A stock count is the process of verifying the value of the inventory that your business has on hand, at cost price on a particular date (typically your company's year end).
Visa Costs
Many startups hire people from abroad, and then pay for their visa costs when the employee moves over to the UK. Whilst this does seem like a normal business expense, there are some important
Assets sold to employees
The information below is useful in understanding the taxable benefits and VAT treatment in relation to the sale of assets, such as computers or laptops, to employees. This also includes the gifting
Additional Pension Contributions
It is often advisable to make additional pension contributions in order to maximise tax efficiency. In fact, it's one of the best ways to withdraw money from a company and I am often advising our
R&D Claims - 6 things you need to know
1 – Pre-Notification Form HMRC added an administrative step to try and encourage more companies to have R&D Tax Relief in active thought, not a deadline task. You will be required to make a
Tas' Top Ten Tax Tips
This guide covers some of the basic but also most important elements of tax planning. 1. Companies pay Corporation Tax on their net profits at a rate of 19%. Corporation Tax is due nine months after
Changes to R&D Tax Relief from April 2024
The R&D Tax Relief landscape has changed quite a bit over the last few years. We are expecting these to be the last major changes to be announced for a while. At the same time we hope HMRC will
Staff Entertainment
Staff entertainment Staff will be taxed when 'entertained', i.e. provided with food and drink outside of the normal course of business. The value of the entertainment they have received will be
Intro to Armalytix
What Is Armalytix? Armalytix securely delivers bank statements across multiple banks and accounts, directly from you to us, using open banking technology. Why Do We Use It? It is a fast and simple
Audit Exemption and Thresholds
A company can be exempt from having an audit if they fall in one of the four categories: 1. Dormant company A company that is not doing any business(trading) and doesnt have any other income for
Tax Free Benefits
Tax-Free Benefits – A guide for Employers This guide is only relevant if you are a registered employer and pay your employees through PAYE. A sole director on a minimum salary would also qualify for
PAYE Settlement Agreement (PSA)
What is a PSA? A PSA allows employers to settle the tax and NationalInsurance contributions (NICs) on certain benefits and expenses provided to their employees. Typically, these are items that cannot
Glossary for share schemes
Exercise price: the price that an employee pays per share, normally an agreed value set at the outset of the option agreement. Exercise of option: the conversion of an option into shares by an
How to set up an EMI scheme
Setting up the scheme Having consulted an expert adviser like Barnes & Scott, the company and its board of directors must establish the scheme particulars. This process would determine: which
Strategic Reports
This article is relevant to companies that report under FRS102 and are not longer considered to be 'small' companies. Generally this means turnover > £10m, balance sheet > £5m and/or more than 50
Short-term business visitors
Short-term business visitors (STBVs) are individuals who are not resident in the UK for tax purposes but make working trips to the UK. There are two PAYE scenarios that apply to STBVs: Working for a
EMI Filing Requirements
Deadlines Legal documents and board minutes must be signed, including the option agreements before the valuation expires – this is usually 60 days from the date of the HMRC valuation agreement
What tax relief is available to investors?
There are five tax reliefs available to investors in companies qualifying under SEIS or EIS. The basic rules are as follows: 1. Income Tax Relief 50% of the amount invested under SEIS can be offset
Impact of state aid on SEIS and EIS
What is State Aid? State aid is any advantage granted by government on a selective basis to any organisation that could potentially distort competition and trade in the EU. The definition of state
What is a knowledge intensive company?
Knowledge intensive companies (KICs) can get more funding through venture capital schemes than other types of companies. We'll look at this in terms of the Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS). Should
Pre Due Diligence Review
When entering into a due diligence there are some key areas investors or purchasers tend to look at, often with a view of finding holes so that they can reduce your company valuation. Being aware of
Gifts to Clients
Gifts to clients HMRC allows you to give a gift worth up to £50 to a client in each tax year with the following conditions: It must be business related; it cannot be alcoholic, food, tobacco or
How much money can I raise under SEIS or EIS?
The maximum amount that can be raised under SEIS by a company is £150,000. For EIS this limit is £5,000,000 per year, and £12,000,000 in a company's lifetime. Typically, companies will raise their
When is the best time to create an EMI share option scheme?
In theory, as quickly as possible, ideally before the company has built up any value. The sooner you start, the more likely it is that employees will be granted options linked to a low share price,
Changes to R&D Tax Credits from April 2023
Reduction in Benefits From April 2023 the additional deduction for development expenditure will decrease from 130% to 86% and the payable tax credit rate will decrease from 14.5% to 10% (unless you
P11D Benefit Reporting
What is a P11D? The P11D form is used to report benefits in kind tp HMRC. These are items or services which you (or your employees) receive from your company in addition to your salary, such as
Crypto currencies - Quick Overview
Crypto gains are usually treated like capital gains. This means they are taxed at 20% for gains over the annual exempt amount (this is £3k in 2024-25). Gains or losses are calculated based on
Annual Staff Parties
Companies can hold an annual staff party that is not taxable on the employees, provided the aggregate cost per head is less than £150. The aggregate cost should be calculated including VAT and
Mobile telephones
All companies are able to provide each of their employees (including directors) with one mobile phone. This is treated as a tax-free benefit, even if there is significant personal use. However, in
How to assess your R&D Projects
The project creates a new or appreciably improved system process, service, product or device. (i.e. improvements in efficiency or technical sophistication of an existing system) Replicate an existing
Introduction to VAT OSS
What is VAT OSS? VAT OSS occurs when there are sales of digital services from UK businesses to EU customers. Under these rules, the UK business must charge the VAT rate in the country the customer is
Crypto currencies - Detailed Guide
There has been an enormous increase in interest in cryptocurrencies, with significant opportunities (and risks) for investors. However, like any form of gain, the tax consequences of trading must be
Step-by-Step Guide on Completing the Advance Assurance Form
Introduction You can now apply for SEIS and EIS advance assurance online via HMRC's portal. If you have a good understanding of the SEIS and EIS schemes and their requirements, we encourage you to
Recharging home working costs to your company
If you spend a significant amount of time working from home you are able to recharge some of the costs you incur by working from home to your company. This will be considered as rental income to you
What qualifies as R&D?
To qualify you need to carry out research and development work in the field of science or technology. The relief is not just for ‘white coat’ scientific research but also for ‘brown coat’ development
What is the difference between SEIS and EIS?
SEIS is aimed at start-up companies that have traded for two years or less. EIS is aimed at companies that have traded for seven years or less (although there is an extension to ten years for
Will the investor qualify for the scheme?
Investors who are connected to the company are not eligible for Income Tax relief on SEIS or EIS investments. The connection can be defined in two ways: 1. Connection by Financial Interest An
What can I spend the investment on?
A company must comply with these conditions regarding using the money raised: The money raised must be used in a qualifying trade or preparing to carry out a qualifying trade, including research &
Purchases made before VAT registration
Newly registered companies can claim VAT on pre-registration purchases within the following timeframes: 4 years for goods you still have, or that were used to make other goods you still have 6 months
Does my company qualify for the scheme?
Generally speaking, most companies will qualify for SEIS or EIS. Companies that undertake the following business activities do not qualify: Dealing in land, commodities and financial instruments
What is an EMI share option scheme?
An EMI share option scheme grants employees share options that may eventually be worth much more than is permitted within a conventional company share option plan. Granting options via an EMI scheme
Reasons to choose an EMI scheme
An EMI share option scheme is a good choice for your business if any of the following apply: You want to incentivise talented staff who you may not be able to pay as large a salary as they might earn
R&D Intensive SMEs
From April 2023, the payable tax credit rate for SMEs is reducing from 14.5% to 10%. When combined with the enhancement rate decreasing from 130% to 86%, this is a huge reduction in the cash tax
What happens when an employee exercises their options?
When an employee chooses to exercise their options, they must inform the company in writing and pay the exercise price as stated on their option agreement. Shares are then issued at Companies House
Eligibility criteria for EMI
What types of companies can run an EMI scheme? There are strict qualification criteria for EMI schemes, which must apply on the date the options are granted to an employee. The scheme must have been
How are unapproved options taxed?
Under an unapproved option scheme, employees, or contractors, can be granted options that allow them to purchase shares in the future at an exercise price set today. Quite often, we see unapproved
Guidance for Software Development companies
With R&D Tax Relief in HMRC’s field of focus, now more than ever, it is key that companies understand what exactly is claimable. Software is especially complicated due to the fast-paced nature of the