Employee Expense Claims - Policy Template

This expenses policy template is designed for use and adaptation by clients. Clients are encouraged to tailor this document to fit their specific business needs and operational procedures.

Tech Startup Ltd Expenses Policy Note

  1. Travel Expenses: Tech Startup Ltd will reimburse costs incurred for business travel directly related to the performance of duties, such as attending events, external meetings, and training sessions. Ordinary commuting between home and office is not reimbursable.
  2. Client Entertainment: Reasonable client entertaining costs will be reimbursed if the purpose is to discuss a specific project, maintain existing business relationships, or establish new connections. Claims should include details of attendees and the business purpose.
  3. Staff Entertainment: Staff entertainment, if reimbursed, may be considered a taxable benefit if it exceeds HMRC thresholds (currently £50 per event). Employees should consult with the finance team if unsure.
  4. Other Business Expenses: Claims must be for actual costs incurred wholly, exclusively, and necessarily for Tech Startup Ltd business. Examples include software subscriptions, co-working space fees, and office supplies. Personal expenses will not be reimbursed.
  5. Remote Work Expenses: Reasonable expenses related to remote work, such as home office equipment or internet costs, may be reimbursed subject to prior approval.
  6. Receipts and Documentation: All expense claims must be fully supported by itemised receipts. If a receipt is unavailable, a detailed explanation should be provided. Contact your line manager for guidance in such cases.
  7. Currency and Exchange Rates: Expenses incurred in foreign currencies will be reimbursed at the exchange rate applicable on the transaction date.
  8. Spending Limits: Certain expense categories may have spending limits (e.g. daily meal allowances). Employees should refer to internal guidelines or consult their line manager before incurring significant costs.
  9. Non-Reimbursable Expenses: Examples include fines, personal expenses, alcohol (unless part of client entertainment), and first-class travel.

Tech Startup Ltd Expense Procedure

  1. Submitting Receipts: Employees should submit receipts to Dext (via email or app). After submission, review and verify details (dates, amounts, categories) and add notes if necessary.
  2. Creating Expense Reports: Create an expense report on Dext (must be done on a desktop computer, an expense report can't currently be created through the Dext app)
  3. Approval Process: Submit the expense report to your line manager for approval through Dext.
  4. Reimbursement Timing: Once approved, reimbursements will be processed and paid to employees on the company's next payment run.
  5. Company-Paid Bills: Bills paid directly by the company should be submitted to the company’s master Dext account <insert master Dext email-in address> rather than the employee’s personal Dext account.
  6. Disputed or Rejected Claims: If a claim is disputed or rejected, employees will be notified with reasons and can resubmit with corrections or appeal the decision.

Additional Information

  • Queries: For questions about what can be claimed or clarification on the expense policy, contact your line manager or our accountants at team@barnesandscott.com.
  • Technical Issues: For Dext software issues, contact their customer support directly.
  • Training: Barnes & Scott is happy to provide training on Dext for you and your team. Please contact us to arrange a session.

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