Slack Best Practices

We are excited to support your team with Slack, a tool designed to enhance communication and collaboration. To ensure we both get the most out of Slack, we’ve compiled some helpful guidelines below.

Best Practices for Using Slack

  1. Stay within the main Finance channel
    • Finance Channel: As a default please use the main channel we set up for you to ensure our entire team is informed and engaged.
    • Direct Messaging: Please minimise direct messages to team members unless the information is private and not suitable for the main channel.
  2. Communication Etiquette
    • Clarity: Keep messages clear and concise, using bullet points or lists when needed.
    • Threaded Discussions: Use threads to continue discussions from a specific message, keeping the main channel clean.
    • Mentions: Notify specific individuals using @username. Use @channel or @here carefully to alert all members.
    • Reactions: Use emoji reactions to acknowledge or respond to messages without cluttering the chat.
  3. Data Security and Privacy
    • Personal Data: Do not share personal data (e.g., salaries, national insurance, pension details) on Slack. Instead, send payroll information directly to our payroll team at
    • Tax Advice: We do not provide tax advice via Slack. For tax-related queries, please use email or phone to ensure we can offer comprehensive support.
  4. Business Hours
    • Availability: Our business hours are 9 AM to 5 PM UK time, and we will usually respond within the same day.

Should you need assistance or have any questions about using Slack, please feel free to contact us at

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